Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stuff We Love!

Hi all,

Before bringing this blog to life, Carina and I sat down over many beers and much Japanese food to talk about our inspirations. With both of us having worked in fashion before, we know that inspiration for something concrete--like a lifestyle blog--can come from a wide range of media. We conversed about movies, celebrities, songs, decades, fabrics, textures, anything that inspires our aesthetic! Overstuffed and maybe a little tipsy, we finally closed our Wednesday brainstorming session and went home.

Here in New York, Thursday may be the new Friday and Friday the new Saturday, but who needs the weekend? We'd rather find the hidden bars lurking in the corners. We'd rather explore Wednesday.

Enjoy some of the tidbits we emailed back and forth for inspiration!




Carina and Mukai

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